Welcome to Moorshire Group

        Creators of the Drive® Programs

Our goal is to provide you with easy access to information about the reality of vehicle crashes, why drivers crash, what we do, our targeted Drive® programs, our results and sample media coverage, and how you can acquire one or more programs to help create crash-free, injury-free drivers.


Motor vehicle crashes are the NUMBER ONE killer of Americans between the ages of 1 and 34. It also becomes the NUMBER ONE killer of people as they age and lose critical motor and recognition skills.

Sadly, since the total number of deaths has declined in the last few years, there is a false sense of hope that things are "getting better."  FALSE?

Because of the worst Recession in American history, less people have been driving. That means a lower number of cars on the road and therefore less crashes.  At the same time, gasoline prices soared. That means less miles driven and less crashes. Use of trains by commuters has increased enormously. That means less people are driving to work and less crashes.

We are talking a reduction in BILLIONS of miles driven per year – of course there are less crashes and fatalities!

The government says cars are safer and the laws governing driving are working – that is why there are less crashes and deaths.  Again, this is also FALSE.

Recent studies show that most cars and SUVs – even luxury cars – hold up poorly in serious crashes. Laws are regularly ignored when it comes to speeding, talking on cell phones, texting and using drugs such as alcohol or marijuana. (In Illinois, a recent study demonstrated that on one major expressway, 95% of all drivers were speeding!)

So what happens when more people in our growing population are working and making money, and gas prices decline? They will drive more.

Indeed, crashes and injuries and fatalities rose dramatically in 2015.  Why?   Because the economy has improved.

And if we continue to ignore the real reasons for motor vehicle crashes, all the numbers will continue to go up again!


Why do drivers crash?

It is not because of a lack of skills.  Indeed, young drivers have the best eye-hand coordination in history! (Watch a 6-year old play a video game.  Or a 22-year old 'maneuver' a smart phone.)

It is not because of vehicle failure, road failure – any failure, in fact.

They crash because of their ATTITUDE!

Attitude towards speeding.  Attitude towards distractions – the list is long, and car manufacturers keep adding them to their vehicles.  Attitude towards the law . . . as in disregarding many of them.  Attitude about alcohol and other drugs when driving.

Indeed, 95% of motor vehicle crashes are avoidable!

And yet attitude has rarely if ever been addressed when teaching people how to drive, or in retraining them because of a moving violation.

Until now.


Moorshire Group was founded to develop "learning" programs for targeted audiences to help them become crash-free, injury-free drivers.  The Drive® programs are unique.  They focus on modifying driving attitudes through "marketing techniques and formats" that actually work – an innovative approach that is results-oriented.

Moreover, the programs follow the 3 precepts of what we have trademarked as Ownership Learning® based on experiential marketing and 21st century teaching methods.  We remember our experiences, especially when we actively participate.  In other words, we OWN them.

The goal is to move specific audiences (pre-teens, teens, parents, traffic offenders, employees, professional drivers) through the precepts using a Drive® program to modify attitudes and create safe drivers.

● Create an EXPERIENCE for each
   driving concept through their own
   actions and linked to attitude

● Insure that they will REMEMBER
each of the numerous experiences

● Connect those memories to the
   ability to APPLY what is
   remembered, especially in
   critical driving situations

This is a far different approach to the current methods of teaching for a test.  Driver education curricula in effect endeavor to train "mini-driver education teachers" with information overload to pass a test to get a license.  Retraining programs are 4-hour punishments and busy work involving a huge amount of data, rules and regulations.

Nothing is learned.  Most information is forgotten.  Little will ever be applied when driving a motor vehicle.

Worse, regardless of which age group is being "taught", attendees are expected to digest thousands of facts and figures passively without regard to how 21st century people think, process information and learn.

Here is one of many contradictions:  Boring information is thrown at attendees who have an 8-second attention span1 second less than a goldfish! (Microsoft Study, May 2015)

In the 21st century, people think visually; they remember what they come up with, not what they are told.  There are many more such observations about current human behavior that are taken into account in the various Drive® programs.

Below is a chart listing the programs and their target audiences:  a LIFE CYCLE for all drivers.  Descriptions of each Drive® program follow the chart.


Drive® for School _______________________________________

Drive® for School was created to help young drivers develop positive driving attitudes while remembering what to do in critical driving situations and then doing it.

It is used in driver education classes and fits into any curricula. It is hands-on and the impact has been stunning.  (See RESULTS)

The program includes:

● A 67-second video (these are teens!) with 100 special effects showing the "disconnect" between what a young driver thinks and does

● An honest, stark view of teen driving in a PowerPoint presentation

● Group presentations at the board and discussion using Drive® Reality Checkmate scenarios

To reach the goal stated above, the program allows young drivers to "teach themselves" and own their learning so they will remember and apply what they remember. This is Ownership Learning®.

More than 2 million teen drivers have used Drive® for School in the United States.

[For sample qualitative studies of the impressive impact the program has had on teen drivers, click on the RESULTS MEDIA tab.]

Drive® Workshop _______________________________________

Drive® for School WorkshopThe Drive® Workshop is an innovative, 4-hour hands-on workshop. It is required for teachers to obtain Drive® for School.

Instructors will learn:

● How 21st century teens think, process information and learn

● 'Marketing' techniques and formats so that teens remember what to do when driving

● How to use Drive® for School (demonstrated in the workshop)

The Workshop, and all the Drive® Programs, are based on Moorshire Group's trademarked Ownership Learning® that uses 'marketing' concepts to help students learn, rather than simply teach forgettable information to pass a test.

More than 6,000 driver education instructors, administrators and law enforcement personnel have taken the Drive® Workshop throughout the United States, and their evaluations of the workshop have been excellent.

Drive® for Parents _______________________________________________________

87% of parents do not know the Number One killer of their children.

Worse, parents are 'role models' and their poor driving habits will be mimicked by their teen driver!

This program helps parents educate themselves about what happens when teens drive. It plays to the emotions. It shows why they need to get involved:

● A realistic video showing their child driving – distractions and all

● A presentation on the dangers of teen driving and bad attitudes

● The innovative, and unsettling, Drive® Crash Cards™ hands-on presentation where parents see the odds of what will happen to their young driver during the ages 16-19.

The program ends with a "call to action" that encourages parents to get involved with their children, family members and neighbors to create crash-free, injury-free drivers and communities. Drive® for Parents is unique and to the point, creating awareness and urgency among parents of young drivers.

Drive® for Pre-Teens ____________________________________

We don't wait until a child is 15 to teach them to read!  Why do we wait that long to teach them positive driving attitudes?

Drive® for Pre-Teens is the ONLY PROGRAM that allows children as young as 8 to teach themselves what to do when driving to avoid crashes.  It includes:

● A fast, short video that focuses attention on how not to drive

● Group decisions on what to do and not do when driving

● Pre-teens monitoring their parents' driving!

Using Ownership Learning® techniques, these future drivers begin to develop the right attitude before getting behind the wheel.

Drive® for Pre-Teens helps counter the often negative driving attitudes they get from their parents. Moreover, results have shown that when parents are monitored by their children, they as well change their driving habits!

Drive® Attitudes ________________________________________

We punish traffic offenders twice:  With a ticket, and often with an online course (usually done by their kids!) or in 'traffic school', suffering a long workbook with no learning.

Drive® Attitudes does the opposite. It is hands-on, interactive and creates role models for one's family, friends and community.

It is the sole retraining course in Rhode Island and the results have been incredible. (See next page)  Attendees actually applaud their visual team presentations!

● They take specific NOTES to use for their Final Exam

● They work in groups, and teach each other

● Less than 1% get another ticket!

Drive® Attitudes cost states and taxpayers nothing, and it positively impacts the number of crashes, injuries and fatalities.

[Visit the web site:  For the remarkable results of the course with regards to recidivism (repeat traffic offenders), click on the RESULTS ● MEDIA tab.]

Drive® Attitudes USA ____________________________________

Motor vehicle crashes cost U.S. businesses $300 billion a year in direct and indirect expenditures.  Crashes are the Number One killer of workers – not on-the-job accidents or work-related incidents.

After all, we know that if all American drivers were pulled over and given a written driving test, 40 million of them would fail! (GMAC study, 2010)

Yet companies do little or nothing to help ALL their employees (including executives!) become crash-free, injury-free drivers.

Drive® Attitudes USA is the corporate version of Drive® Attitudes (See above). Attendees work together to develop positive driving attitudes in a variety of critical driving situations and receive a Certificate upon completion.

Drive® Attitudes USA can be offered through a company or firm to all employees; a group of companies; or an insurer seeking to keep customers while lowering premiums and payouts.
